Download Coir Doormat Mockup,

Preview Coir Doormat Mockup

Coir Doormat Mockup


Mock-up for popular product – doormat. This picture shows classic and elegant hall with a doormat before the wooden door, some decor, plants and red shoes. Here you can place you design over the doormat and move or remove shoes. This doormat is about 20×30 inches.

You get PSD file 3000×2000 pixels 300dpi with following layers:
* original photo of the hall with plants and decor;
* smart object with a doormat;
* red shoes.
Also you get 2 pre-made mockups in JPEG format. You can work with this files in any graphic editors.

You need Adobe Photoshop to work with PSD file.
NOTE: There will be no watermarks in the final image.

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Use this PSD Mockup File to create Quantity of physical objects are any material object with the visual representation of item purchased , including but not limited to: books, print on clothing items, brochures, business cards, promo materials, etc. but not limited.

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